Exporting Calendar


Exporting the EVENTS from the Metro Seniors Calendar to your GOOGLE Calendar is relatively easy.  But like technology there are a few tricks to make sure you are getting what you want.

First – Do you have a GOOGLE account?  If you do GREAT!

Perhaps you have a GOOGLE account and didn’t know.  For example if you have a GMAIL account you have a GOOGLE account and you will have access to GOOGLE CALENDAR.

If you really don’t have a Google account on your PC or smartphone, STOP HERE.  We will have to get another answer.


It appears that calendar exports are limited to about 30 “events” for each export.  We have 5 divisions with 26 weeks each plus Special events, and meetings and more.  So if you must have a complete calendar for export, you will have to export 5 or 6 times to get everything.  Essentially about once per month.

Fortunately most of you will want only 1 Division (one export)  plus Special Events (1 export) .  A few will want a second Division (another export).

A very few (officers?) will  have a real need for the complete calendar – every event, all year.  I can share the original ,cvs file(s) if you ask nicely.


I only want all the weekly events for Division 1 (or any other Division)  Easy.  1 export and import.

  • Go to the Metro Seniors Website
  • Click on the EVENTS menu (main menu on the page header).

By default, you will get a MONTH view calendar showing the events for the current month.

  • Click on the VIEW AS button and select the LIST view.  You will see a list of the next 20 events (all events)
  • Click the SHOW EVENTS SEARCH button and as keyword type D1  (for Division 1, use D2 for Division 2 and so on)
  • Now Click the FIND EVENTS button
  • You will see a list of events (20 per page) of all events with the unique keyword  D1
  • At the bottom of this page will be a SUBSCRIBE TO CALENDAR button, click this and 3 options are available to export the selected calendar to Google Calendar, I Calendar or Export .ics file.
  • Click EXPORT EVENTS and an “.ics” file will be shared to your PC.  It will be in the DOWNLOADS directory used by your web browser (Chrome?, Explorer? Firefox?) The file will look something like this    metro-st-louis-seniors-golf-d3e0bf2f9ba.ics

The file will have up to 30 events filtered by the keyword   D1 (Division 1 Weekly) for 26 weekly events.

For Division 2, keyword is D2, Division 3 – D3, and so on including Division 9 – D9.

For Special Events, keyword is SpecEvt.

For meetings, keyword is meeting.

For Metro Plus, keyword is Metro-Plus.

NOTE – double quotes are required where sort keyword includes spaces.

You may also use the keyword to sort for courses, for example, all instances of Annbriar (search for keyword annbriar).

IMPORTING TO GOOGLE CALENDAR  – you can search this in Google too.

Import events into Google Calendar
After you’ve exported your events, you can import them into Google Calendar. You can import ICS and CSV files on a computer. You can also import ICS files on an Android phone or tablet.   Files exported from Metro Seniors are ICS files.

Open Google Calendar.
In the top right, click Settings Settings and then Settings.
Click Import & Export.
Click Select file from your computer and select the file you exported. The file should end in “ics” or “csv”.  This will be in your DOWNLOADS directory.
Choose which calendar to add the imported events to. By default, events will be imported into your primary calendar.
Click Import.

After the import you may see a message that “xx events imported”  xx = up to 30.

If you sync your smartphone with your PC these will show up on your calendars on any device.

I am not an Apple guy, but here is the description for importing into Apple.

Import ICS Calendar Files in Apple Calendar

  1. Open Apple Calendar and navigate to the File > Import > Import… menu.
  2. Find and highlight the desired ICS file.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Select the calendar to which you want the imported events added. Select New Calendar to create a new calendar for the imported schedule.
  5. Click OK.

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