Special Event Sign-Up opens up on 22 March for Find Your Swing

SPECIAL EVENT SIGN-UP opens at 6pm on March 22nd

for the Find Your Swing 4-person Scramble at Crystal Highlands

on Monday April 24th, 0800 shotgun start

Cost is $77 per player

Event Leaders are Bob McNamee and Tom Rhoades

Go to the Metro Seniors website at the link below to sign-up

Special Events Signup – Metro St. Louis Seniors Golf (golfstlseniors.org)

Go to this link for instructions on how to sign up.

You can pay for 1, 2, 3 or 4 players.  You can also list the 1, 2 or 3 players you want to be paired with.  The tournament leaders will fill out any open foursomes.  We will do our best to honor pairing requests but cannot guarantee them.

Completed and paid registrations will be confirmed in order received.

To address pace of play each event will be limited to 120 players.

Wait List in order received and paid will be established for entries over tournament capacity.

Substitutions as a “Late Entrant” will be allowed only after the Wait List has been consumed.

Events Calendar – 2023 Season

All regular scheduled events for the 2023 season are loaded onto the Events Calendar.

The Events Calendar menu tab will get you directly to the calendar page. You can view the calendar by Month, Day or List. Simply select the view you want in the top line (right side).

You can also search for events by typing in a few letters of interest and selecting search. Most events have a “keywork” for search. For example, searching for D1 will show only Division 1 events. D2, D3, D4, D5 will work on the other weekly divisions. MP will find Metro Plus events. “Special” will find all Special Events,

You can also search for specific courses by name.

You can also download the events information to your own personal calendar,

Detailed instructions for getting our calendar into your calendar – CLICK HERE.

These instructions are also in the page menu tab – dropdown under the Events tab.

Golf League US also has the schedule information. This is the system we use for tee times, scoring, and handicaps. You (or someone in your tee group) MUST use Golf League US to schedule your tee times for each event.

We have a great season lined up. Make sure your calendar is set with Metro Seniors as a priority.

Special Events Clarification

I posted a Post on Special Events a couple of days ago. One sentence may be a little confusing.

We have a major change for signing up for Special Events this year.  We will no longer signup for all events at the same time.  We will signup for each event individually 30 days prior to the event.

You can still signup as a single, twosome, threesome, or foursome. If you have partners that you want to play with but have not paid for, list them in the signup form and indicate that you are not paying for them.

2023 Special Events

Special Events

We have a major change for signing up for Special Events this year.  We will no longer signup for all events at the same time.  We will signup for each event individually 30 days prior to the event.

We hope this change will reduce the number of cancellations.  Hard to remember if you signed up for an event in March when the event date is in August.

Signup will open up for each event at 6 pm 30 days prior to the event.  See the Special Events schedule for the signup date for each event.  The schedule is in your GLUS Division Documents folder. Or click here.

The first Special Event will be the Find Your Swing 4 Person Scramble at Crystal Highlands GC on 24 April 2023.  Signup will open up at 6 pm on 22 March 2023.

A reminder for New Members to Metro Seniors.  If you signup for the Find Your Swing event, you must play the first week of the season (13 or 14 April) in order to have a Handicap Index and contribute to your Team Handicap.  If you signup but cannot play the first week, you will have a Handicap Index of 0.0.

As it worked last year, the max number of players for each event is 120.  You will be assigned to the Entry List based on the timestamp of when you signup.  After the 120 max number has been met, you will be assigned to the Wait List.  Players will move from the Wait List to the Entry List as we get cancellations.  If you are playing with a team and your teammates signup in time to make the list of 120 and you signup after the max is met, you go on the Wait List.

All Special Events are team-based events.  You can find information on Team Handicap Calculations on the Metro Seniors web site.  Go to the Home Page, go across the top tool bar to Schedules and Results.  Scroll down the drop down menu to find information on Special Events.

If you have any questions you can contact Frank McLaughlin (Special Event Chair) or the event lead listed on the schedule.