3 thoughts on “Welcome New Members”

  1. Thanks for your interest.
    Short answer – there is essentially no difference between Divisions 1 and 2 except the
    who have joined. They are quite similar in average age, handicaps, participation, and flights. They are all golfers who happen to be seniors and enjoy the game and the fellowship.

    Longer Answer
    Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are our 18 hole divisions. They all play the same 26 weeks of tournaments at the same courses each season. We have 5 divisions with limits of 150 members per division. This is to help maintain pace of pace of play to 4 1/2 hours on average. This keeps attendance to about 100 to 120 players for each division each week – about 60% to 75% attend each week.

    The only difference in Divisions – Divisions 1 and 2 play on Friday mornings. Divisions 3, 4, and 5 play on Thursday mornings.

    You can only join and play with one division each day throughout the season.

    You and your friends can actually join 2 divisions if you wish, one on Thursday and one on Friday. We have several members doing this.

    As added opportunities:

    Special Events – these are 6 monthly team based tournaments that are scheduled on Tuesdays.
    Metro Plus – a premium, extra membership group that plays more exclusive clubs on Mondays (15 outings planned for 2021).

    Division 9 – this is our 9 hole group play plays at Riverside Golf Club in Fenton every Wednesday morning from early March though late November. As a member of Divisions 1- 5 you can join and play with Division 9 without an added membership fee.

  2. I am interested in becoming a member. Would like to play Friday mornings, I assume Divisions 1 or 2.
    Is it too late to join this year?
    Appreciate your response.
    Heard about you from a member at my YMCA.



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